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Monday - Saturday (10.00am - 7.00pm)

Community oriented policing focuses on building a relationship between the police and community

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    Objective of community policing is to connect with the police round the clock, without the hesitation of going upto the police station for complains or help

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    International Trade : Extensive experience in tradng and exporting commoditiesto global markets , with a deep understanding of international regulations and market dynamics

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    This closeness without the barriers will help in sensitizing the public police relationship

On ground installation- Smart Police Assistance Kiosk

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    Smart police assistance kiosks is spread over the city specially at the sensetive spots

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    These smart kiosk connects to the system of the control room, for immediate response

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    24x7 Services are provided through these kiosks, the set up helps the public to approach police for all sorts of help.

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    Apart from dealing with Law and Order situation locally, they also engage with public,

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    Locations, bus numbers, local trains or even getting taxis are some of local help these kiosks may provide to travellers

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    Keeping safe and connecting to family of lost children/articles/phones/laptops

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    Comforting visitors, foreigners who may not know the local language but need assistance

Smart Police Assistance Kiosks Around the World....

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    For budget cuts more police stations are being cut in UK, therefore the need for reviving the police box idea with new contemprory design has been on tables and many new police boxes have been installedi

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    In UK a kiosk is effectively an office for the local policeman on street, this helps public find police officers locally when they need the assistance

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    Japan's streets are safe and secure due to koban, Koban is japenese for police assistance kiosks

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    Japan is one of the safest and peaceful countries in the world, it attributes it to the many koban's found in many areas in the cities

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    Policemen man these koban's to keep peace and security all the time

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    Koban's are built in front of crowded public places, near schools, colleges and other sensitive areas

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    Many Europeon, Latin American Countries have borrowed the concept of koban and these have demonstrated clear results in deterring crimes in these places

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    Example Sao Paulo in Brazil has dropped 20% of criminal cases like murder, rape, hit and run, accidental deaths through presence of such police assistance kiosks on road manned by policemen

About Us - Anju & Sanju Infratech Pvt. Ltd.

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    After careful screening, Anju & Sanju was identified as the agency to execute the Police Assistance Kiosk project

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    The kiosks were made impact resistant by using pre-fabricated fiberglass material to ensure least maintenance with maximum aesthetics

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    These Kiosks were designed such that it could be relocated easily

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    The Kiosks were to be used by the police free of cost

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    Cost of fabrication, O&M, electricity, cleaning, printing of forms was the responsibility of Anju & Sanju

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    Anju & Sanju revenue model was to generate revenue from selling the advertisement board at on the police kiosk

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    Since these kiosk were spread across the city and all location was not conclusive to sell for advertisement, KMC had exempted the LUC (Land Utilization Changes) from all the kiosk to make this project viable

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    Anju & Sanju paid the advertisement taxes as per the norms with no LUC

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    All the requisite permission for installation of the kiosks was obtained in a single window clearence by the kolkata police

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    Technical design, logistics and all capital expenseses and investments were done by Anju & Sanju

Outcome of the Project

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    Greater confidence and reassurance to the public and police at large

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    Increases the reach and operational strength of the police force

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    Improved the response time of the police

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    Day-Night visibility of police on streets

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    Offered all weather shelter to the police personel on duty

Benefits & Utilities offered through such Police Assistance Kiosk

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    Easy accssecibility to police at all times

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    There will be drop boxes for the following complaints or information in the kiosk, prescribed forms will be available in the Police kiosks Tenant information/verification House help information Anonymous complain against domestic violance/eves teasing/petty crime and others...

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    Police Kiosks will be a deterent for drug peddlers, users

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    Constant view of police in the kiosks will instill responsibility in public to follow traffic rules

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    Police Kiosks will deter drunk driving

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    Police Kiosks will help provide prelininary first aid for accident cases till ambulance reach the site

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    Police Kiosks will help sensitize the public-police relationship and show police force as a friendly helping force

Police Kiosks Mumbai


Smart Kiosks Worldwide


Smart Kiosks Worldwide
